Call extended for new members to join CIVITAS Political Advisory Committee

The application deadline for new members to join the CIVITAS Political Advisory Committee (PAC) has been extended to 31 May.

Elected politicians from any CIVITAS Forum Network city are encouraged to apply. The PAC is a small group of leading politicians that acts as the steering group of the CIVITAS initiative and network of cities.

Its members ensure that the perspective of cities is represented in and integrated into wider European-level policy processes on urban transport. Their responsibilities include:

  • Delivering policy recommendations to the European Commission (EC)’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE);
  • Facilitating cooperation between the EC and the CIVITAS city network, and CIVINET national and regional networks.

Interested candidates should send an expression of interest (letter of intent) to pac [at] civitas [dot] eu. In it, they should state their name, city, what qualifies them for the role, experience, reasons for applying, and vision for their two year stint as a PAC member. This should be a maximum of 500 words.

The 16 PAC members will be appointed by the EC with support of the PAC Secretariat. Candidates' individual records of promoting policies in line with CIVITAS's goals also plays a key role in selection.

Candidates apply in their personal capacity, not as formally nominated representatives of their local administration. Politicians of non-CIVITAS cities may also apply, but should seriously consider that their city apply to join the network.

The PAC has no formal “power of representation”. The deadline for applications has been extended to 31 May 2018. The selection process will take place in June, with applicants receiving the decision on 30 June 2018.

For more information on the call and the PAC, click here.

See an interview with current CIVITAS PAC Chairperson Steen Møller here.

Author: PAC Secretariat


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