Bologna receives National Euromobility award

CIVITAS Initiative

Thanks to the initiatives for the Sustainable Mobility also deployed within the CIVITAS MIMOSA project, Bologna has been recognised as the most eco-mobility Italian city by the periodical Report Sustainable Mobility in Italy: research on the main 50 cities.

Mobilità sostenibile in Italia: indagine sulle principali 50 città is a significant annual report, produced by “Euromobility” (Italian Mobility Manager Association) supported by the National Department of Natural Resources. It rates the 50 most populated cities in Italy on their municipal policies regarding the management of: urban mobility, pollution levels compared to public and private vehicles fleets, Public Transport services offered, bicycle mobility scenarios, traffic planning and management measures adopted. The city of Bologna was followed in rank by the report by Florence, Parma, Trento and Milan. Areas that the report highlighted as Bologna’s strengths were related to the efficient Public Transport service, innovations introduced to improve urban mobility management, the considerable reduction of pollutant vehicles numbers and pollution considered under control in the city.



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