Biodiesel transportation fleet in Coimbra

CIVITAS Initiative

SMTUC transport company has introduced 30% of biodiesel in four trial buses of the Public Transportation fleet in Coimbra. Their introduction is an important first step towards the adoption of biodiesel on a regular basis for public transport service lines.

The successful test will see an increase of 10% biodiesel quantity and more at different trial phases in order to reach the maximum level within the near future. The top level will depend on the engine maintenance and efficiency, as well as environmental and economical considerations.The goal for the future is to implement at least 30% of biodiesel in the fuel mix used by the SMTUC bus fleet. It basically implies a substitution of 900.000 litres of mineral diesel fuel per year with biodiesel: a more than reasonable achievement, considering the accidental topology of Coimbra.

Author: Margarida Redinha



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