Big buyers join forces to make heavy duty vehicles electric

Truck in loading bay

Image from Scania

One of the working groups will join forces on heavy duty electric vehicles focusing on waste collection, street cleaning and maintenance and their recharging infrastructure.

Waste collection, street cleaning, and maintenance vehicles are used on a daily basis in urban areas and most public authorities are looking at changing their city fleet towards electric in the short term.

However, the market is not offering a wide array of electric heavy-duty vehicles and prices remain high with a lower level of performance. Charging infrastructures for those types of vehicles is also a crucial part of their development and implementation.

A second working group focuses on zero-emission construction sites (using electric non-road mobile machinery). Building and infrastructure construction conventionally use diesel-fuelled heavy machinery (NRMM).

To achieve climate neutrality by reducing carbon emissions - as well as to reap benefits of reduced local air pollution (NOx, SOx, PM), public buyers are demanding emission-free construction machinery on municipal building and infrastructure sites.

Though small electric machines are more and more common, large emission-free NRMM like excavators are still scarce. The working group will exchange on pilots and jointly aggregate demand to accelerate the transition to zero-emission construction sites.

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ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability and EUROCITIES are running the Big Buyers for Climate and Environment initiative on behalf of the European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW).

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