Apply for the European Green Capital and European Green Leaf Awards new


This year, the financial prize for both Awards will be significantly increased to a combined one million euro, aimed at supporting cities in putting in place urban sustainability measures.

The EGCA 2023 winning city will receive €600,000, while up to two EGLA 2022 winning towns/cities will receive €200,000 each.

This increased financial prize reflects the importance of cities for delivering on the objectives of the European Green Deal, including the recently adopted Communication: EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 - Bringing nature back into our lives.

Winning the European Green Capital and European Green Leaf Awards is a seal of approval by the European Commission and brings many benefits: increased international media coverage, a boost in local pride, a greater focus on environmental projects, and increased foreign investment.

All finalist and winning cities also gain access to a network of previous finalists and winning cities where they share learnings on how to overcome key challenges.

With the increased financial prize, the winning cities are expected to take on additional responsibilities, such as committing to tangible projects or actions to enhance their city’s environmental sustainability.

The annual European Green Capital Award is open to cities with a population of over 100,000 inhabitants.

The European Green Leaf Award is for towns/cities with a population of 20 000 to 99 999 inhabitants. A maximum of two cities can win the European Green Leaf each year. The deadline for submitting applications is 28 October 2020.


Further information on the Rules of Contest and how to apply is available at the official Awards portal.

Author: Richard Adams

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