Alternative fuels 2008 Proceedings available

CIVITAS Initiative

The international conference “Alternative fuels 2008” was held on January 10-11, 2008 under the patronage of the Engine Research Laboratory of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The conference was attended by more then 60 researchers and experts from industry and research institutions from England, Spain, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Slovenia.

The goal of the conference was to bring together people from a variety of disciplines in order to promote modern technology, necessary to support the environment-friendly and sustainable development of our society. The main focus was to enhance research collaboration and knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry.The topics of the conference were split into four parts:· fuel production and analysis,· fuel handling and storage,· emissions control and alternative drive vehicles, hybrid vehicles, fuel cells, and· fuel usage in internal combustion engines.All papers, presented at the conference, were reviewed by a scientific committee and published in the conference proceedings available at University of Maribor. According to the response of the participants, the conference was a success.


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