All Brno ticket vending machines now equipped with systems diagnostics

CIVITAS Initiative

At the end of July 2010, two month earlier than expected, DPMB (Brno Public Transport Company) finished installing a system diagnostics tool in all 153 ticket vending machines in the City of Brno. Now, all ticket vending machines in the City of Brno are connected to the diagnostics system, and, in case of any technical problems, DPMB is immediately notified and can rectify the situation. The system improves the quality of service for public transport users in the City of Brno.

The ticket vending machine diagnostics system is based on the transfer of data between the vending machines and the control centre using GPRS technology. In the control centre, the data are displayed on computers using special software. Ticket vending machines are equipped with modules which include communication modems and are also equipped with SIM cards from a private mobile operator, enabling communication with the control centre. Modules communicate with all parts of the vending machine and collect data which are sent online to the control centre for further analysis.The message that is sent from the ticket vending machines includes detailed information about the problem . The operator in the control centre interprets the received data and, in case that a major problem causes the failure of the ticket vending machine, the operator will immediately send service personnel to resolve the problem.During the pilot project, when only 10 ticket vending machines were equipped with the system, the average time necessary for resolving a fault was about six hours less then before the introduction of the system! Moreover, previously the system was not attended 24 hours a day; the operator could read messages only during working hours, which means from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.DPMB, partner in the project CIVITAS ELAN, is the main public transport operator in the City of Brno and also operates all ticket vending machines within the city.

Author: Lucie Humplikova


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