A cross-border cycle route and study visit in Zagreb

In May, CIVITAS launched its first study visit, hosted by the Cycling Department in the City of Zagreb, as part of a series of free peer-to-peer training activities for transport practitioners from across Europe.

Participants from four countries were welcomed on a two-day study tour about cycling projects which have been rolled out in the city.

Bike-on-bus (BoB)

One such project is the bike-on-bus (BoB) initiative whereby buses on routes connecting the hilly parts of the city were equipped with bike racks to encourage intermodal transport use. Initially this measure was tested on four buses on three routes to review acceptance and uptake by public transport users. Its success has led to additional funding and the expansion of the measure to other buses.

Head of Transport for the city of Zagreb, Dinko Billc, sees better integration of bikes as part of the city’s transport network as a natural progression and a strategic priority:

"Bikes are a sustainable transport solution, which help improve the environment and make the city more attractive to tourists and citizens alike."

The implementation of this measure built on the activities from a previous CIVITAS Living Lab project (CIVITAS ELAN) and other European funded projects (PRESTO and Ch4llenge). It also tapped into the experiences of the City of Funchal, where transport practitioners from Zagreb learned about a similar measure (FUN 6.2 Bus on Bike) through a study visit organised as part of the CIVITAS MIMOSA project.

From nextbike and Pedicab to the cross-border Greenway Cycling Route

Participants took a turn through the city using the bike sharing scheme, nextbike, which was unveiled in 2013 as part of a public-private partnerships and Pedicab - a 3-wheeled bike rental service. These have proved popular with both tourists and citizens. Here participants were introduced to a third project which is currently underway; the cross-border Greenway Cycling Route connecting two European Union Member States, Croatia and Slovenia.

The 121.6 kilometre Greenway Cycling Route will be realised in 3 phases, connecting the border with the Republic of Slovenia in the West with the border of Zagreb County (Lijevi Dubrovčak) in the East. With 50.1 km passing directly through the City of Zagreb, the Greenway will also provide a fast and safe route for cyclists and will used as a major transport artery for freight in terms of urban last mile delivery.

Built along the scenic Sava river, the route is also designed to strengthen ecotourism in the area and will be equipped with a range of measures from signalling, lighting, electric bicycle chargers, and traffic counters to information tables.

Those who took part were enthused by what they saw and learnt. Milena Zindović, from the City of Šabac, commented:

“I learned a lot about how to maximise small scale interventions in cycling to have a large scale impact large scale, as well as the options for investing in new infrastructure and the role of strategic planning.”

CIVITAS 2020 hosts an ongoing programme of study visits and work placements free of charge. The next confirmed study tour will take place in Reggio Emilia,  Italy, in October 2017. Registration will be open soon.

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