3rd MODERN Technical Management Board Meeting in Coimbra

CIVITAS Initiative

On 5 May, MODERN’s consortium - Craiova, Brescia, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Coimbra - meets in the city of Coimbra for the 3rd Technical Management Board Meeting at the presence of the Deputy Mayor of Coimbra Municipality and the Director of the SMTUC(Serviços Municipalizados de Transportes Urbanos de Coimbra).

Following the 2nd Technical Management Board held in Brescia, the MODERN consortium is meeting for the 3rd TMB on 5 May. The meeting - kindly hosted by the city of Coimbra in the Casa Municipal da Cultura - will be opened with the welcome of the Deputy Mayor of Coimbra Municipality. Eight months have passed since the official MODERN kick-off meeting in Craiova in the end of October 2008 and the MODERN consortium is continuing to work hard to satisfy the ambitious objectives that it has set itself: reduction of the level of pollution and reduction of traffic flow and fuel consumption. As in the last TBM hold in Brescia in the month of February - hosted by the local partner Brescia Trasporti - on the first day of the meeting there will be a series of parallel sessions on evaluation and dissemination. This will provide the opportunity to discuss the work done so far, set the basis for future activities and identify any area of improvement in the reporting activities. The second day of the meeting will be dedicated to the Technical Management Board meeting, at the presence of SMTUC (Serviços Municipalizados de Transportes Urbanos de Coimbra) Board of Directors Representative and SMTUC Director. Consistent with the inclusive approach of the MODERN project, which encourages the involvement of all relevant stakeholders, the Automobile Club of Portugal has been invited to participate to the public session of the last day of the meeting.

Author: Alessandra Besana


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