Public transport information and promotion

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID



- complete




Providing better passenger information can help to improve the image of public transport and reverse the decline in passenger numbers.

Implementing sustainable mobility

In conjunction with Preston’s efforts to improve public transport infrastructure and raise awareness of the benefits of using collective modes rather than the private car, the city implemented a range of activities designed to make the public transport system more attractive and user friendly.

Specifically, the objectives were to:

  • increase the number of roadside information displays;
  • make real-time information available anywhere on the network via mobile phone;
  • create an interactive online network map;
  • offer personalised travel planning;
  • provide information about multimodal interchanges;
  • develop a new network brand; and
  • improve driver training.


In order to fulfil these objectives:

  • an overall marketing and publicity strategy was produced;
  • full-colour simplified timetables were displayed at each stop;
  • advertising campaigns were launched in various media;
  • real-time information was made available to passengers via WAP;
  • a new network was produced, also showing cycling and walking routes;
  • personalised travel planning was offered in May and October 2007;
  • a city-centre Mobility Shop was opened; and
  • customer care seminars were organised for drivers.  


An sms service was planned to provide real-time public transport information, but the cost was underestimated. The solution was to make real-time information available anywhere on the network via mobile phone (WAP).

Some promotional activities for the rebranded network were unable to proceed due to local competition issues.

This fact sheet has been updated by a third party on the basis of available information (not by the city itself), therefore we do not guarantee any data with respect to their content, completeness or up-to-dateness.



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