
Policy for rerouting cyclists during construction work

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID

STO 4.2.5


- complete





Thematic areas

Active mobility


This measure consists both of devising a policy and its implementation.

The City of Stockholm will develop a policy that requires every construction proejct that significantly affects traffic to create a plan for bike traffic management during diversions.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Stockholm is in the middle of a vast expansion, with a large number of building sites, road construction sites, and heavy vehicles going to and from these sites.

Hard materials used to mark and reroute cycling lanes around construction sites often result in serious injuries if cyclists ride in them. To make cycling safer under these circumstances, the city has worked together with branch representatives and invited innovative solutions and the use of safe materials whilst marking and rerouting cycling lanes.

The Traffic Office, together with ATA Hill & Smith, ProVia AB, Ramirent AB, and Safety Solutions Jonsereds AB tested three different solutions with cycling-safe material in Ã…rsta in September 2017. Interviews with cyclists and an online survey will contribute to the evaluation of the tested solutions and form the basis of the rerouting policy.

The policy also forms part of the City’s Technical Handbook that informs construction companies building on city land are required to use.

Image credit: Lennart Johansson, City of Stockholm



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