Passenger-friendly bus and tram stops

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID



- complete



Thematic areas

Collective passenger transport & shared mobility
  • Ride sharing
  • Car sharing
  • Bike sharing
  • Accessibility
  • Intermodality
  • Service improvements


Public transport stops in Graz were equipped with real-time information, shelters were provided, access for those with reduced mobility was improved and bicycle racks were installed.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Graz has 800 bus and tram stops, most of which were not user friendly prior to measure implementation. The main aim was therefore to improve stop infrastructure for public transport passengers, thus increasing the level of user satisfaction and the number of users.

Specific goals were to:

  • install dynamic real-time passenger information at stops; and
  • improve access and usability for people with reduced mobility.


An inventory of existing stops and their facilities was carried out. The most important stops (at the end of lines, important links between public transport lines or other modes, stops close to the city centre and stops with inbound connections) were selected for refurbishment.

User-friendly stops were defined as offering:

  • a broad waiting area that does not create conflict with pedestrians;
  • access and signage designed for visually impaired passengers and passengers with reduced mobility (maps in braille, audio information etc.);
  • safe and easy access to vehicles (e.g. special curbs that allow buses to stop close to the pavement);
  • dynamic real-time passenger information;
  • shelters against bed weather; and
  • bicycle racks.

Originally, it was planned to equip all stops with maps of the neighbourhood, but due to a shortage of personnel this was not possible.

The installation of shelters at new stops was made possible by the fact that they are financed by an advertising agency. Meetings were held with representatives of disabled associations to discuss possible solutions. They favoured systems for entering buses of trams with support from the driver rather than automated systems that often fail to operate in colder weather, making access difficult for wheelchair users.



Over 25 percent of public transport stops in Graz can be regarded as high-quality stops, and 120 have been equipped with real-time information displays. Although there were some technical problems with the provision of real-time information, in the end it has contributed to the positive image of public transport.

In a survey of public transport passengers, 59 percent stated that the reconstruction of the new customer-friendly stop in the Andritz district of Graz had increased the attractiveness of public transport.

Communication with passengers with reduced mobility improved and solutions were implemented taking their comments into consideration. A section on the public transport provider’s website is dedicated to people with reduced mobility, who can also obtain pre-trip information by phone.

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