Mapping freight traffic flows and designing a distribution plan

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- complete





Implementing sustainable mobility

Constanta is both a port city and a tourist city. During the summer season, the city’s population number doubles and the seasonal traffic negatively impacts quality of life.

This measure will first analyse existing conditions by mapping supply chains for the Constanta metropolitan area, allowing for the re-evaluation of the position of Constanta’s port within these regional supply chains.

The second phase will be the design of a distribution plan for the city. A detailed analysis of the supply lines serving commercial hotspots, restaurants, and other institutions will be done, and will include timing, access, the duration of the deployment, and risks and vulnerabilities from the blocking of traffic.

A plan for freight distribution in the central area of the city will be drafted based on these analyses. In turn, this will be presented to the city for approval and implementation.

The city will have to enforce, test and demonstrate its viability over the project’s lifetime.



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