Introduction of an AVL system and real-time passenger information at bus stops

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Mobility solution ID



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City of Skopje implement the innovative technologies in the public transport service by introducing the system for automatic location of vehicles and the system for real-time passenger information at bus stops.

Implementing sustainable mobility

After research and development phase reviewing the relevant literature as well as experience from our partner and other European cities and review of available technologies, selection of technology, the technical solution has been developed (definition of the hardware and software). The real-time passenger information system, information displays at 10 bus stops, GPS devices at 30 buses and monitoring center and software, which show the accurate data and inform the passengers about real-time of bus arriving at the bus stops was realised. In the period of  6 months the proces of demonstration and how the system is finctioning at all was realised.

City of Skopje main objective was increasing the service reliability and rider ship, passenger satisfaction and better image of public transport services. The application of AVL system and the system for real time information of public transport passengers was not known in Macedonia. Therefore, this project measure helps the introduction of technical and expert knowledge for application of these new technologies in the other cities in Macedonia. By introducing AVL system in the city of Skopje, historic/tourist part of Skopje become more attractive especially the cultural heritage.


The system was implemented on two public transport lines and at 10 bus stops in the center of the city. This greatly helps to increase the quality of service and the overall image of the public transport operator and increase the attractiveness of the public transport mode. Within this measure the objective is also to show to the relevant governmental institution, decision makers and the general public, the advantages of application of these technologies and to win their support for future investment on this type of technology for the entire public transport network. This activity are in strong correlation with all innovative actions taken for improving the public transport in the City of Skopje.  Many channels of communication are used to promote the measure, from which TV and radio, articles in the national newspapers, and information on the City’s website are considered with priority. As a result of the successful demonstration of the system at the selected 10 bus stops, the City of Skopje and JSP Skopje has already started procedures for expanding this system to the entire PT network in Skopje


The results of the analysis will be used to propose a short/medium term policy regarding further retrofitting of the entire bus fleet or possibly contributing to the retrofitting of the private cars in the city. Furthermore the post-measure training and dissemination activities to other municipalities, RENAISSANCE cities and other CiViTAS cities will be carried out. It is expected to be a good, innovative model to be adopted by those interested in sustainable mobility.


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