Introducing the bicycle rental scheme Bike-One

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID



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Thematic areas

Active mobility

Collective passenger transport & shared mobility
  • Ride sharing
  • Car sharing
  • Bike sharing
  • Accessibility
  • Intermodality
  • Service improvements


As part of its bid to promote a new bicycle culture in Krakow, the city implemented a bicycle rental scheme integrated with existing public transport stops.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Cycling is gaining importance as an alternative means of urban transportation and can also be considered as complementary to public transport. The city’s new bicycle rental system, established with funding form private companies, features bike racks near existing bus and tram stops to promote a multi-modal approach to mobility within the historic city centre. The ultimate goals were to reduce private car usage and boost the popularity of cycling in the city.


Initial research was carried out in order to identify the most appropriate locations for the rental stations; the best options for the bicycle design and locking facilities; the most suitable way to manage the system; and the possibilities for private sponsorship and funding.

As the result of a tender, the Warsaw-based company SanMargar Team was selected to design and install the system. Bike-One was launched with 100 city-owned bicycles and 12 renting stations. The system is available to everyone with Internet access (for initial registration and pre-payment).


In the five-week trial period, 643 people registered and 204 people actively used the system for over 2,700 bike rentals, despite the cold weather. Based on the positive trial, the system was relaunched after the winter and four more rental stations and 20 extra bikes were added. This initial success suggests that the public bike scheme can become a real alternative means of public transportation in Krakow.


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