Implementation of environment-friendly and silent vehicles
Aachen continues to demonstrate strong commitment towards researching, developing, producing, implementing and promoting electric vehicles. Within CIVITAS DYN@MO, focus is put on showing the wide range of electric mobility in the urban context. The core implementation elements in this measure are pedelec-activities and within this, the establishment of a citywide pedelec-sharing-system and the promotion of a pedelec delivery service. Aachen has established an electric mobility brand dubbed “Elektromobilität Region Aachen”.
Implementing sustainable mobility
Since 2009, Aachen has been recognised as a German model region in the field of electromobility and has been funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport. In addition, many research activities related to electromobility are being carried out at the University of Technology Aachen and at the University of Applied Sciences.
Electromobility from the city of Aachen's perspective is much more than a substitution of cars with other cars. In particular, pedelecs hold great potential to motivate people to leave their cars and use other modes. Aachen is developing an intelligent approach towards low priced but effective strategies to assist a wide range of (intermodal) electric mobility solutions.
The main objectives of this measure were to:
- Demonstrate the wide range of electric vehicles
- Support new electromobility offers
- Increase knowledge about the raising oil consumption (peak oil), the need for (regional) renewable energy production and the potential of electric vehicles
- Encourage the use of smaller, lighter and more appropriate city vehicles
- Develop economic sustainable transferable promotion solutions for cities
Planning & preparation
- Support for the development of a new automatic pedelec-sharing system in the City of Aachen
- Preparing the use of electric cars for delivery services
- Preparing of the implementation of electric cars at the city administration
- Preparing and implementation of a bike/pedelec-survey for the city of Aachen
- Development of a consistent communication strategy for electromobility in the City of Aachen
- Preparing a solution for a regional electromobility website
- Implementation of a competition for two car sharing-stations at two cities in the StädteRegion Aachen
- Development and implementation of a regional online survey about knowledge, experiences and attitudes towards electromobility
- Development of a benchmark approach for European cities regarding framework and implementation of measures
- Development of the electromobility parts of Vision mobility 2050 and strategy mobility 2030
Implementation & demonstration
- Implementation of two new pedelec stations in the city centre
- Implementation of the first two car-sharing stations in two cities in the StädteRegion Aachen
- Pedelec-testing weeks for companies
- Pedelec testing vouchers in the welcome package for new residents
- Implementation of electric vehicles in the fleet of the city of Aachen
- Installation of charging stations especially for a planned city e-car-pool
- Test case with one unit of the city administration for a new e-car-pool
- Implementation of local events for promoting electromobility
- Updating the local e-mobility website
- Analysing and publishing the results of an electromobility city benchmark on European level
- Implementation of an European electromobility workshop in Aachen and support for a summer school electromobility in Palma de Mallorca
In addition, the implementation of electric and hybrid vehicles has been introduced through other Aachen measures within the CIVITAS DYN@MO project, including measures A1.2 Electromobile living, A1.3 Sustainable university traffic and A2.2 Integration of hybrid buses – towards a clean fleet in public transport.
During the project, a “smart electric mobility” concept for innovative cities has been developed based on experiences in Aachen not only CIVITAS DYN@MO but all important developments in this field.
What were the outcomes of the measure?
Tangible outcomes of the measure:
- 5 public events: „Aachen goes electro“ and „e-cross Germany“
- 2 pedelec stations in the city and 2 car sharing stations in the region installed
- 50 companies participated in the pedelec testing weeks
- 1 pedelec delivery service operating
- An electric vehicle statistic
- 2 online surveys on electromobility
- „Vision Mobility 2050“
- “Smart electric mobility” concept
Expected outcomes in the short- to medium-term:
- Increased use of electric vehicles
- Gaining more experiences in all fields of electromobility
- Creation of sustainable jobs in all fields of electromobility
Expected outcomes in the mid- to long-term:
- Noise and emission reduction in main streets and at bus stops
- Emission free vehicles until 2050 in line with the White paper 2011: “Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area - Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system”
- See more at: goes electro