Converting the historical centre into a pedestrian zone

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID



- complete





Thematic areas

Demand & urban space management
  • Parking management and pricing


The measure was implemented as part of the renovation of the historic city centre. The establishment of pedestrian zones was intended to protect city monuments, reduce air pollution and create a more relaxed and attractive atmosphere for residents.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Heavy traffic was identified as a key problem in the city centre, greatly detracting from the attractiveness of the area. This was exacerbated by pollution and noise, which impaired quality of life in the historic centre. Narrow streets were damaged by lorries driving close to historic buildings, which suffered as a result of pollution and vibration.

The measure was therefore designed to pedestrianise 4 km2 of the historic city centre and redirect traffic flows. It was decided to consult with stakeholders throughout project implementation. This involved 10 meetings with local traders, five with hotel owners, five with neighbourhood associations affected by the pedestrianisation schemes, and various other meetings with municipal services (police, fire brigade) and services such as taxi firms and ambulances. Agreements were drawn up following the stakeholder meetings concerning loading and unloading hours in accordance with the needs of different types of businesses.

The system was launched with a total of 16 bollards, fewer than the 24 initially foreseen with a view to reducing their visual impact (some were used on both entrance and exit routes), in September 2006. A new traffic control room for the permanent monitoring of the zone was launched at the same time. The launch was marked with children’s activities and concerts to celebrate the reclaiming of the street as a public space free of traffic, pollution and noise and easily accessible by those with limited mobility. These events were widely reported in the national and regional media.

Traffic flow was redirected from the city centre along alternative routes and an information campaign was targeted at drivers of heavy goods vehicles to provide details of the new routes and the changes due to the construction of new ring-roads around the city. 


Following stakeholder meetings, numerous pedestrian zones were created between 2006 and 2008 and parties were organised to celebrate the launch of each one. The restricted access system was implemented using electronic bollards activated from the new traffic control centre. This was accompanied by the construction of a ring road around the city and additional link roads. Information on the changes was provided to haulage and transport companies. 


  • 75 percent of streets in the historical centre were converted into pedestrian zones over an area of 4 km2.
  • 100 percent access restriction in the clean zone.
  • Over 30 meetings with stakeholders (a decisive factor in the success of the entire renovation of the historic city centre).
  • 16 mechanical bollards installed.
  • 97 percent reduction in traffic in the restricted access zone.
  • Elimination of heavy goods vehicles from the restricted area.
  • 84 percent acceptance rate of the restricted access measures according to the first project evaluation results.
  • 92 percent of the population of Burgos considered it an important and well-planned measure.
  • 30 percent increase in the number of pedestrians in the zone, and a 200 percent increase in the number of cyclists in the zone.




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