Bath Wayfinding and Information System

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A wayfinding and information system was introduced in the City of Bath.

Implementing sustainable mobility

The Bath Wayfinding and Information System aims to reveal and present the City of Bath in a way that improves the experience of all the city’s users.

• The objective is being achieved in a wide variety of ways, including the development of a new range of pedestrian signage and street furniture • A unique way-finding and interpretation system, including pedestrian orientation points • Public transport infrastructure, including bespoke shelters and flags • Ancillary print and web services to aid visitors‘/residents’ understanding and experience of Bath • A unique graphic identity including typography for communicating the above products and services

The CIVITAS project produced new signage and street furniture prototypes, including bus shelters, benches and cycle racks.


The new wayfinding system for the City of Bath was developed in the study phase of this measure. This involved the design of the graphic and visual identity for the city, integrating all transport modes.

New pedestrian orientation points, bespoke public transport shelters and bus stop flag prototypes were installed at a number of locations in central Bath and a transport leaflet which includes the new Bath map was produced.  A pedestrian orientation point and a bespoke bus shelter, together with a new design of bench and cycle rack were installed at the St James Rampire demonstration area (Measure 5.4). The prototypes were tested between March 2011 and March 2012 and have been further developed following stakeholder comments.  The pedestrian orientation points and bus shelters are now being rolled out to other parts of the city.  


• An 18.8% improvement in public perception of information on walking routes in Bath (Target 10%) • A 45% improvement in public perception of on-street public transport information  (Target 10%) • The average concentration of Nitrous Oxide levels in Bath in 2011 has fallen to 45μg/m3 below the target of 47μg/m3

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