Fostering behavioural change for effective mobility measures
Basic Information
Series Title
Sharing Cities Webinar Series
Learning Material type
Thematic areas
Collective passenger transport & shared mobility
- Service improvements
Active mobility
Public participation & co-creation
Sharing Cities and CIVITAS TRACE projects have organised a joint webinar on experiences related to mobility. Both projects work with this topic from different angles, providing a good opportunity to share and learn. EUROCITIES hosted the webinar as replication lead of Sharing Cities with speakers from the Energy Agency of Plovdiv (TRACE) and CEiiA (Sharing Cities) on 2 February 2018 from 11:00 to 12:45. The webinar was on behavioural change to ensure a greater effectiveness and acceptance by citizens of new mobility measures.
Ina Karova, from the Energy Agency of Plovdiv, presented the TRACE project which develops ICT-based tracking tools to optimise the planning and implementation of walking and cycling policies; all tools are accompanied by campaigns for their procurement. TRACE will end in May 2018 and has therefore already produced some valuable information that will be shared with you.
The lead partner in TRACE is the Technical University of Lisboa, which can also support the city of Lisbon in implementing those new solutions.
Carolina Carli from CEiiA presented the status of mobility measures in Lisbon, one of the lighthouse cities within Sharing Cities, highlighting the use cases which aim to change behaviours.
Material creator
Melanie Leroy
Sharing CIties
Associated project:
melanie.leroy [at]