Workshop on Public Transport Ticketing System - How to create an integrated cross-border web-based public transport ticketing system?


WorkshopCIVITAS Initiative

The city of Tallinn, like many other cities, is thinking about how to establish a user-friendly and efficient e-ticketing system for public transport. Many European cities have already established an e-ticketing system and this workshop will provide a platform for them to share their knowledge on this topic. The workshop will contribute to the measure “Tallinn Public Transport Ticketing System” that is being implemented within the CIVITAS MIMOSA project. The workshop focused on several questions and aspects regarding collective transport ticketing systems e.g.

  • How to get relevant statistics in order to optimize the route network?
  • How to establish an integrated and open PT ticketing system?
  • Risks of the tender procedure etc.

Day 1 (15th April) was dedicated to sharing the knowledge and expertise in the field of ticketing systems across the European cities. The interactive format of the workshop allowed lively discussions between the participants representing different European cities and ticketing systems. Day 2 (16th April) was dedicated to finding solutions to the issues identified during Day 1. Participants were split into groups to work on the strategy for the concrete measure. The results were then discussed. This workshop kicked-off the meetings of a Ticketing Working Group that will continue meeting and discussing the topic.

Authors: Holding Graz Linien, Anu Leisner


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