Webinar - Provisions for cyclists (05/06/2012)

ONLINE, Belgium

WebinarCIVITAS Initiative

CIVITAS VANGUARD, CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES and the CIVITAS thematic group ‘Less car intensive lifestyles’ held their second WEBINAR: provisions for cyclists regarding infrastructural and promotional aspects.

During this webinar measures to create ideal conditions for cycling infrastructure and promotional campaigns were presented. All six ARCHIMEDES cities have determined the present situation with regard to cycling planning in their city, based on BYPAD analysis, recommendations of the PRESTO project and audits such as the SUMPs. After this analysis all cities were able to implement suitable measures, based on their specific needs and the level of cycling.

The six ARCHIMEDES cities implemented cycling measures of various kinds: from basic infrastructural projects to encourage people to take up cycling, to advanced initiatives to maintain an existing cycling culture.

In the programme  you find a short description of all presentations and speakers. At the end of the webinar there was an opportunity for questions and discussions. For more information, contact training [at] civitas [dot] eu.

Watch the video recording of the webinar here.

Author: Frederix Marjan


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