Webinar on safe school surroundings

ONLINE, Belgium

CIVITAS VANGUARD and the CIVITAS thematic group ‘Safety and Security’ held a first WEBINAR on how to create safe routes to school and school surroundings, in order to create an inviting environment for sustainable trips to school.

Through short 10-minute presentations this webinar looked at experiences from several CIVITAS cities that have worked to create safer school areas. They presented their activities, as well as the results they have obtained and the problems they encountered.

Watch a recording of the webinar here >


  • Safer crossings for school childrenMaciej Makselon City of Szczecinek, Poland - CIVITAS RENAISSANCE
  • Improving road safety through infrastructure, campaigns and educationKateÅ™ina Oktábcová City of Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic - CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES
  • Reflecting on travel behaviour in secondary schoolsSabine Van Lancker City of Ghent, Belgium - CIVITAS ELAN
  • Safe routes to schoolsVita Kontić City of Ljubljana, Slovenia – CIVITAS ELAN


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Author: Martens Sarah


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