
Urban Mobility Days 2020


The European Commission's first ever Urban Mobility Days Conference was held as a fully digital event from . This enabled participants to join debates and exchange expertise on the most important urban mobility topics safely from their own desks. 

The conference combined two leading events from Europe’s transport calendar: the CIVITAS Forum Conference and the European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs).It allowed policymakers, local authorities, academics, NGOs, urban transport practitioners, urban planners and all those putting the SUMP concept into practice to share their experiences using a virtual forum. 

Over the course of the digital conference, delegates heard sustainable urban mobility success stories from the CIVITAS Living Labs projects - and other examples of pioneering excellence from Europe and further afield. These equipped attendees with inspiration, tools, and know-how to further advance clean and sustainable transport in line with the European Green Deal. The winners of the 2020 CIVITAS Awards were also revealed in a dedicated session.

With such a wealth of expertise and knowledge-sharing, Urban Mobility Days provided the ideal opportunity to digitally network, debate key issues, and exchange ideas on emerging transport trends and technologies and the latest developments in sustainable urban mobility planning.

The conference also went go beyond transport by connecting zero-emission mobility initiatives with broader EU efforts to tackle climate change and make Europe a carbon-neutral continent by 2050. Conference activities addressed the resilience of urban mobility in unforeseen circumstances, and took stock of lessons learned to date during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Catching up on the conference - presentations and session recordings

Find all session recordings from the conference on the Eltis YouTube channel - there are dedicated playlists containing all plenary, parallel and side session recordings.

In addition, presentations given during these sessions are available for download here. 

You can catch up on what happened on social media during the conference by looking at a selection of Twitter moments.

The event programme can be viewed at

Author: Richard Adams


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