CIVITAS Training: Influencing behaviour through gamification

BIP ROYALE 2-4, 1000 BRUSSELS, Belgium


Gamification is an instrument to influence behaviour. It has been successfully applied in other domains. Recent developments show results in the mobility domain. This training will introduce you to the basics of gamification and experiences with the ‘Form5To4’ (F5T4) game.

'From5To4' is the mobility game from the Netherlands. The aim of the game is to encourage employees to travel to work more smartly (e.g. walking, cycling, public transport and car sharing) as well as having fun competing against their friends and colleagues at the same time. In return, the website gives employees bespoke information about how much energy they have saved, calories burned as well as the opportunity to win prizes. It's a simple formula: every week, 1 day smarter commuting.


  • Trainers: Teije GORRIS | DTV Consultants
  • Expert: Sander BUNINGH | DTV Consultants

Date, time, location


  • Send an email with your name, organisation and contact details (telephone and email) to learningcentre [at] civitas [dot] eu (subject: CIVITAS%20Training%20Gamification)
  • Fee: free (in case of no-show to the training we will send you an invoice to cover the costs made by the organisers)



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