CIVITAS Training Effective Access Management Schemes

THE EGG BARA ST 175, 1070 BRUSSELS, Belgium


The CIVITAS training will offer hands on insights to local and regional authorities, businesses and NGOs having a stake in Access Management schemes in inner city areas. It will enable practitioners to design effective packages of measures in the triangle Engineering, Enforcement, and Incentives.

The training “Effective Access Management Schemes for Inner City Areas” will take place on Wednesday, 18 November 2015 from 10:00 to 14:45 in Brussels, Belgium and is free of charge. The training is organised in conjunction with the Polis conference.

After this training participants will:

  • Know the characteristics of different Access Management measures.
  • Have insights in practices of European cities in implementing Access Management schemes.
  • Be able to use them to suit local context
  • Receive a CIVITAS Learning Centre Certificate

The English-language training is open to local and regional authorities, businesses and NGOs.

The final agenda is available at the bottom of this page.

Register for this training by sending an email to t.gorris[at]





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