CIVINET - European workshop on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (FR/EN)


WorkshopCIVITAS Initiative

Which planning tools does a city need for a better daily trip organisation and to develop the use of soft and active modes? How to apply Urban Mobility plans in Europe ?

This workshop was organised as a side event to the 10th edition of the Open Days, taking place at the Committee of the Regions, from 8-11 October 2012 in Brussels. It was co-organised by the CIVINET Francophone network and the CERTU.

Urban travel plans, developed for 30 years in France, have formalized the integration of local policies for a better trip organisation at the agglomerations’ scale. Nowadays, this tool has been taken up widely in Europe, and has neen enriched by other practices implemented by our neighbours.

But what ideal Sustainable Mobility Plans, encouraging intermodality and the use of active modes favouring the planet as well as our health, can we create together within the EU? Which are the different practices implemented by the local authorities and the difficulties encountered?

From a CIVINET network initiative, aiming at favouring the exchanges of practices about the CIVITAS innovations experimented through urban transport systems, this workshop presented the state of the knowledge in the matter, of practices in European cities and proposed a dialogue on the integrated actions’ perspectives for a sustainable urban mobility.

Authors: Holding Graz Linien, Cahn Olivia


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