Awareness-raising workshop on sustainable urban mobility plans


WorkshopCIVITAS Initiative

A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is a way of tackling transport-related problems in urban areas more efficiently. Building on existing practices and regulatory frameworks in the Member States, its basic characteristics are:

  • A participatory approach;
  • A pledge for sustainability;
  • An integrated approach;
  • A clear vision, objectives and measurable targets;
  • A review of transport costs and benefits.


The European Commission seeks to accelerate the large scale take up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans by local and regional authorities in Europe by informing comprehensively about the scope, content and benefits of these plans.

In 2012, a team of experts appointed by the European Commission is delivering 35 seminars and experience exchange events on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in national languages all over Europe.

CIVITAS ELAN and its activities and results, as one of the factors to influence urban mobility questions in Zagreb today, was also presented.

The awareness raising workshop in Zagreb was targeted at decision-makers and other stakeholders in Croatia.

 The workshop was co-organised by Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences and ODRAZ - Sustainable Community Development.

Authors: Holding Graz Linien, Marko Matulin


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