SWITCH Campaign Guide and Toolbox

Basic Information


English, German, Polish, Spanish

Latest update


Free of charge

Application time

An actual SWITCH campaign typically lasts between 2 and 6 months. A minimum of one year is appropriate when also considering all preparatory steps and the evaluation activities after the campaign has taken place.

Assistance required

The guide and toolbox are designed to be self-explanatory

Tool type

Guidance document / Manual Method / Approach

Application area

  • Data gathering
  • Dissemination and communication

Target Audience

  • Other



SWITCH represents a specific strategy of behaviour change campaigns to motivate people to “switch” short car trips to active modes of transport such as walking and cycling. In essence, it is about the application of personalised travel planning for people in life-change moments with a strong focus on health-related arguments and supported by information and communication technologies.


The SWITCH campaign guide explains these elements in detail and provides step-by-step advice about how to prepare, plan, implement and evaluate such a campaign. It also contains a number of easy to use tools and templates that can be adapted to local contexts with very little effort.

The guide also includes detailed success stories from the five pilot cities Antwerp, Donostia-San Sebastian, Gdansk, London Borough of Hounslow and Vienna.

Good Example

The guide and the material in the SWITCH toolbox are based on the specific experience with the SWITCH approach in the five pilot cities Antwerp, Donostia-San Sebastian, Gdansk, London Borough of Hounslow and Vienna. These experiences and examples are described in the material.


SWITCH Consortium

Lead of the tool development: SWITCH

wiebke.unbehaun [at] boku.ac.at


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