SUMP Participation Kit

SUMP Participation Kit Eltis

Basic Information


Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Polish, Romanian

Latest update



Tool type

Guidance document / Manual

Application area

  • Dissemination and communication
  • Other

Target Audience

  • Small cities
  • Medium-sized cities
  • Large cities
  • Metropolitan regions


The Participation Kit is dedicated to providing practical advice underpinned by city examples on engaging citizens and stakeholders in the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) development process.

It provides information on how to integrate participation into the transport planning process and prepare, manage and evaluate involvement activities.

The Participation Kit consists of the following components:

  • Quick facts brochure: a concise summary of reasons for participation and approaches to involve citizens and stakeholders in sustainable urban mobility planning;
  • Participation Manual: a comprehensive handbook providing detailed explanation of the participation challenges and practical recommendations for how these can be overcome;
  • Online learning course: an interactive e-learning course inviting interested mobility practitioners to learn more about participation at their own pace and from anywhere in the world. The e-learning course can be taken at the Mobility Academy.


Rupprecht Consult

s.boehler [at]

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