PTV Visum
Basic Information
English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Latest update
Price varies depending on the size of the licence (e.g. number of traffic zones) and the set of additional modules, starting from 9.000 EUR (minimum)
Application time
Depends on the project scale and area of application. Tipical basic training 3 days, Building and applying a model several weeks / months
Assistance required
Training courses are recommended.
Assistance data
Depends on project scope, can include: Network model; (Public transport time table); (Intersection layout & signal control); Socia-demographic data; Behavioral data; Calibration data (traffic counts, traffic surveys,…)
Tool type
Application area
- Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
Target Audience
- Small cities
- Medium-sized cities
- Large cities
- Metropolitan regions
PTV Visum is a complete software package for traffic analyses, forecasts and GIS-based data management on city, regional or national levels. It consistently models all transport modes and their interactions in a unified network data model. Sophisticated tools for management, import/export and editing of network elements, traffic demand and related datasets allow to efficiently build up large transport models. The included methods cover demand modelling and forecast, different assignment methods adapted to different types of traffic (various highway assignment procedures, dynamic traffic assignment, mesoscopic assignment, headway-based an timetable-based public transport assignment, stochastic assignment for slow modes,…) and various processing and analysis tools. Beyond the scope of typical strategic transport modelling tools, the methods provided in PTV Visum reach far into the operational realm, e.g. by including traffic engineering tasks related to intersection design and signal controlling, or by providing operational KPIs for public transport operations down to the level of line blocking and fleet allocation.
All methods can be embedded in a comprehensive scenario management environment, allowing to develop and compare different variants of transport infrastructures and policies. Powerful tools for graphical and numerical data analysis (thematic maps, 3D plots, filtering and aggregation in tables, matrix analayis,…) allow to evaluate and present the modelled data in very accessible form.
Good Example
The scope of application covers many different areas such as demand modelling and model development and calibration, data management, accessibility analysis, infrastructure planning and dimensioning, traffic engineering studies, public transport planning, analysis of public transport data, public transport operations planning, fare analysis for public transport or toll roads. Users range from public agencies on all levels (city, regional, national), transport operators, rail operators, private road operators, research, ...
PTV Group
traffic.sales [at]