Evidence Common Practice Reader
Basic Information
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Application time
no application
Assistance required
no assistance required
Assistance data
no (see above)
Tool type
Guidance document / Manual
Application area
- Appraisal and assessment
Target Audience
- Small cities
- Medium-sized cities
- Large cities
- Metropolitan regions
The EVIDENCE Common Practice Reader intends to convey a better understanding of:
Although not the only method available, CBA is often used by policy makers to justify substantial transport project investment in cities. However, it is often only used for major infrastructure projects and even then, it is a process that does not always provide a complete picture of true benefits, providing the monetary but not always the social and environmental impact or benefits. |
SUMPs provide the opportunity for an initial assessment of the potential cost and benefits in the measure selection process, and thereby provide an opportunity to test the performance of alternative measures at an early stage of decision making. SUMPs bundle together complementary and mutually reinforcing measures into an integrated package and thereby stimulate return on investment.
Good Example
It is in introduction into appraisal techniques, it does not intend concrete application.
Wuppertal Institute/ EVIDENCE project
Lead of the tool development: EVIDENCE
frederic.rudolph [at] wupperinst.org
0049 202 2492 230