3D visualization for communication of data
Basic Information
Latest update
Free of charge, depending on usage of final web application.
Application time
Expert knowledge of javascript needed.
Assistance required
Expert knowledge required
Assistance data
Depends on property to be extruded; i.e. building height data, population density etc.
Tool type
Mobile app
Application area
- Dissemination and communication
Target Audience
- Metropolitan regions
Add custom 3D visualisations to a web or mobile map by using Mapbox fill-extrusion layer type and specifying the height and base height of a polygon feature.
For example, you can now easily render 3D buildings, or use the extrusion feature to represent other data (e.g. population density across your city's downtown) when used with data-driven styling and the recent addition of building heights to Mapbox Streets map style.
More info: https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/3d-buildings/, https://blog.mapbox.com/3d-features-in-mapbox-gl-js-e94734f12110
Good Example
Melbourne shows planned, under construction and completed development activity in this 3D model of the city: https://developmentactivity.melbourne.vic.gov.au/. Population density in the U.S. using a population dataset, visualized through extrusions. https://www.mapbox.com/bites/00273/
cities [at] mapbox.com
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