
Parma Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) (2017)

Articles and Publications

Parma's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) was approved in March 2017 by the Parma City Council. An updated version of the SUMP is currently in development.

As the document is in Italian, a few of the highlights include:

  • With regards to the modal share, public transport usage is predicted to rise to 24%, with walking and biking increasing to 26%.
  • In turn, car use will decrease to 50%.
  • The level of pollutants released during the morning rush hour is expected to fall by at least 40% (with 79% the highest prediction).

In total, around 160 million Euros will be invested in the SUMP over ten years. It will be spent on:

  • The public transport network, with a substantial amount of money dedicated to renewing the fleet. This will amount to around 50% of the funding.
  • Upgrades to the regional road network, including new infrastructure and safety improvements. This will account for 20% of the money spent.
  • Sustainable mobility measures, including 'sharing' and e-mobility. The cycle network and related services, 'traffic calming' initiatives, and 30 km/h zones will also receive support. These measures will receive 20% of funding.
  • Monitoring and parking control measures (ITS). The remaining 10% is for these measures.

Participatory approaches and stakeholder involvement were crucial elements of the SUMP process: citizens and stakeholders responded positively to attempts to engage them. This was particularly the case during the initial stage of the development process in June - July 2015.  

The opinions of the local community were gathered through online, phone and paper-based surveys: approximately 1,300 individuals responded. Through these, the local community's priorities and needs in relation to the SUMP were identified. Moreover, since Parma's SUMP is the first Italian one to be combined with an Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), it can serve as a reference point for other cities in the region and country.



Publication date:

Languages: English


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