CREATE: Urban Congestion and Network Operation: Towards a Broader Set of Metrics for Assessing Performance
EvaluationProject Deliverable
This deliverable addresses four issues:
- The relationship between urban transport policy framing and the appropriate metrics for measuring transport network performance; for example, the term ‘congestion’ reflects ‘Stage 1’ thinking and may have less relevance in later stages – it is not a value-neutral word.
- A review of how CREATE ‘Stage 1’ and ‘Stage 3’ cities, and commercial service providers such as INRIX, currently capture data about traffic congestion and road network performance and how they present this data – with examples from selected cities.
- A critique of the limitations of the current indicators of traffic congestion and road network performance.
- Proposals for a more insightful and comprehensive set of metrics of urban transport network performance, illustrated with data from selected cities.
Publication date:
Languages: English