Smart, helpful and phone-friendly communication campaign in Bologna

CIVITAS Initiative

The Municipality of Bologna’s recent communication campaign sets out to be user-friendly for today’s technologically aware citizens. In line with the Air Quality Agreement which the region, districts and municipalities signed up to in autumn 2010, measures to fight air pollution will be strengthened from January 2011.

Up until the end of March 2011, heavily pollutant vehicles and mopeds will be prohibited from entering certain areas of Bologna's city centre. To clearly explain the new rules and locations to citizens, most notably students and younger people, the Municipality of Bologna is carrying out a large scale communication campaign.An innovative aspect of the campaign is the ‘Smart Phone’ software. All maps and leaflets will contain a QR code allowing smart phone owners to photograph the code and read all the information directly from their phone. Communication material has also been handed out on ground level at: schools, public events on sustainable mobility, official info points at the Municipality of Bologna and other main meeting points for young people (e.g.: University, libraries, commercial shops).The promotional materials include 17,000 maps of the city, with detailed information about new restrictions, the exact location of cameras used to enforce the changes and other city mobility news. 3,000 stiffened cards with a summary of the information and leaflets designed to be displayed on school noticeboards.



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