Micro depots to make a macro impact on deliveries in Munich city centre

Munich has introduced a system of micro depots, which aims to boost the number of commercial same-day bicycle courier services. The micro depots serve as handover points and linkages within the logistical service chain in order to reduce delivery distances, time of travel and emissions caused by motorized deliveries.

Currently, most of the deliveries of goods to and from Munich city centre and outside Munich are made by motorized delivery vehicles. Due to tremendous traffic volume, lack of space and congestion in Munich, deliveries are always under logistical pressure and punctuality is a challenge. The micro depot based flexible storage system aims to improve the delivery chain by speeding up logistical connections. Micro depots are lockable stopover storage points that serve as a transfer point between cargo bike couriers and motorized couriers. The use of micro depots as handover points in Munich will help to prevent delays, as there will be no need for personal handovers between couriers.

Thus, the effective range of cargo bikes is increased and the use of cargo bikes will be possible in city centre even as part of long distance deliveries. Therefore the use of motorized deliveries can be reduced and lead to lower fossil fuel traffic in the city of Munich as well as to a reducing traffic volume and congestion.

In May and June 2017 a first pre-test of the innovative flexible micro depot storage system will be started by the city of Munich and the lead user partner courier in the periphery of the city centre. After the pre-test of one box in May and June 2017, the number of micro-depots will be extended to four in 2018 and the system will be tested and evaluated during the project period of CIVITAS ECCENTRIC.

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