SUMP update: integrating tourist mobility

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Mobility solution ID

RET 2.1


- complete




Rethymno is upgrading its existing SUMP in order to combine the needs of visitors and residents alike and to address the mobility challenges and the impact of the flow of incoming tourists on the transport system.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Rethymno is enhancing its existing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, taking into account the city and the wider area, and combining the needs of visitors, residents, inter-regional mobility and public transport services.

The Municipality utilises a holistic and innovative approach by bringing together local and regional stakeholders through capacity building events, consultations and workshops. Both tourists and citizens will profit from sustainable, affordable, secure and reliable means of transport and a healthier environment.

Rethymno’s SUMP aims to:

  • increase cycling, walking and use of PT by reducing the use of private cars.
  • improve the city’s accessibility, PT services and parking infrastructure.
  • challenge behavioural change towards more sustainable transport choices.
  • reduce fuel consumption, GHGs emissions, traffic and noise.
  • improve the quality of life of residents and enhance tourists’ travel experience by creating a more attractive urban environment, in the process making the city a sustainable tourism destination.
  • increase the cost-effectiveness of transport services.
  • contribute to economic growth and social development.

The main actions include:

  • A study that maps the seasonal fluctuations in transport patterns of both tourists and residents, traffic loads in the centre and main touristic attractions, seasonal traffic loads and mobility patterns, access modes and parking sites.
  • Revision/approval of the upgraded SUMP, including studies for concrete action plans and a restructuring of public transportation services.
  • A SUMP observatory to coordinate monitoring mobility indicators, data collection and analysis for corrective actions and future SUMP improvements.
  • Establishing a local working group involving key stakeholders, policy makers and universities that will contribute to decision making and support SUMP measure implementation.
  • Public consultation events for citizens.
  • Capacity building workshops for local/regional stakeholders.


The main activities implemented so far are:       

  • Assessment of the existing SUMP and other strategic development documents.
  • Data collection and analysis to define the baseline at the Destinations measures starting point. Field measurements for SUMP core indicators (traffic load counts, occupancy, turning counts) in 14 spots in the Municipality area.
  • Needs and expectations analysis, including interviews with public transport users and questionnaires filled out by residents and tourists.
  • Definition of SUMP vision, key objective and priority measures; study to upgrade the existing SUMP subcontracted to NTUA-Sustainable Mobility Unit - ongoing.
  • A feasibility analysis and action plan per each measure identified in the SUMP and a mobility action plan taking into account the seasonality are delivered.
  • Identification and engagement of local stakeholders and municipal council members; operation of the local working group.
  • Two–stage consultation events and workshops with mobility and tourism stakeholders and other involved local/regional actors; Citizens voting for the prioritization of SUMP mobility measures, Technical Chamber of Greece during EMW 2019.
  • A strategic plan for road safety and accident prevention has been developed.


The expected outcomes of the measure are:

  • Revised pioneering SUMP for Rethymno, approved.
  • Mobility action plan, integrating residents' and visitors' needs and taking into account the seasonality.
  • SUMP guidelines for other municipalities in the region and beyond.
  • Safe roads masterplan. Action plan of prevention measures.
  • SUMP observatory to coordinate monitoring mobility indicators, data collection and analysis for targeted interventions and future improvements.
  • Local working group in operation and enhanced capacity and skills for public authorities, transport planners, transport operators and other key actors.
  • Citizen and stakeholder engagement through public consultation events.
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