Smart systems for urban planners, PT operators and users
Basic Information
Mobility solution ID
RET 2.2
- complete
Thematic areas
Smart & connected mobility
Demand & urban space management
Behavioural change & mobility management
- Mobility Planning
Integrated & inclusive planning
Rethymno is developing smart systems for urban planners to support decision making, monitor, assess and improve the SUMP action plan and analyse numerous data sets.
Implementing sustainable mobility
Rethymno is collecting and analysing numerous data sets to support decision making, mobility measures assessment and the improvement of its SUMP action plan. Rethymno will also operate a new SMART Car Parking Management System, incorporating an IT platform and smart applications, as well as the monitoring and mobility management tools.
The main objectives of this measure are:
- obtain reliable information to monitor SUMP and deliver more efficient PT and mobility services.
- reduction in traffic congestion and noise and improved air quality.
- development of a central monitoring system for efficient mobility management and parking management.
The measure’s objectives will be achieved through the following actions:
- Development of an online platform for real-time data collection and analysis of PT use/traffic loads, transport planning
- Installation of smart sensors and thermal cameras for mobility and environmental data collection at selected locations.
- Monitoring equipment and smart signage to enhance road safety at three accident hotspots in the city.
- A study on a new ticketing system for combined mobility to offer an attractive package to tourists and citizens to use PT and bikes.
- Installation and operation of a SMART Car Parking Management System to contribute to city’s traffic congestion reduction and improve the general view of Rethymno in terms of transportation and living conditions for citizens and tourists.
The main activities performed so far are:
- Procurement and installation of thermal cameras for real-time monitoring and traffic data collection at 11 critical sites of the city.
- Procurement and installation of equipment for real-time environmental data and noise level monitoring; – 5 new meteorological stations with integrated environmental sensors, correlation with traffic load data (peak, off peak period).
- Online platform development for real-time data collection and analysis of PT use/traffic loads, transport planning.
- Research and analysis of requirements for the combined services ticketing system, the study aiming to offer attractive package of PT and bike use by tourists, is on-going.
- Set up of a new SMART Car Parking Management System – procurement processes completed.
The expected outcomes are:
- A central monitoring system to manage and monitor traffic – a real time data IT platform.
- 11 thermal cameras and environmental monitoring equipment purchased and installed.
- Study for a new ticketing system promoting combined mobility modes.
- A new SMART Car Parking Management System in operation.