Raising awareness to change mobility behaviour

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Improving the attractiveness of public transport and marketing it as a sustainable mobility option were seen as ways to change citizen’s mobility behaviour.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Potential public transport users sometimes have specific mobility needs that are not fully identified by public authorities but that could easily be fulfilled, at least partly, by existing public transport services.

Through this measure, the different public transport actors developed an individualised marketing process and awareness-raising campaigns to promote the use of public transport. The marketing activities, promoting the benefits of public transport and complementary services, were implemented in conjunction with the renewal of the ticketing system and the development of new public transport infrastructure (metro line and high-quality bus corridors).


The campaign was developed in the following stages:

  • definition of the strategic direction and the detailed action plan (September-October 2007);
  • establishment of a users panel (1,000 people) in conjunction with another CIVITAS measure (October-November 2007);
  • three global communication campaigns focusing on a specific topic such as the promotion of the new contactless card (2008);
  • three meetings with the panel focusing on tariffs, information and advertising strategies, partnership with other public transport operators and back office services (2008); and
  • synthesis of the individualised marketing report (October 2008).


The transport public operator has acquired a better knowledge of users’ needs and
expectations regarding tariffs, information and services.

The panel enquiry also provided feedback regarding public transport image, passenger satisfaction levels and the effects of promotion campaigns.

This feedback will be taken into account by the public transport operator to further develop services.

The measure required strong involvement of the commercial and communication departments of the public transport operator.


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