Pedestrian and bicycle lane network

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Vitoria-Gasteiz is eager to tackle the growing car traffic and revive the city’s walking and cycling mobility. The municipality planned an ambitious network to boost the pedestrian and cycling mobilit. This comprehensive and accessible network connects the entire city. 

Implementing sustainable mobility

The objective of this measure was to create a new mobility framework for cyclists and pedestrians in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, based on the superblocks model (see measure 05.01 to know more about superblocks). Specifically, the objectives were:

  • To consolidate a continuous bicycle network where 95% of the population will live at a distance shorter than 250 meters.
  • To consolidate a new pedestrian network that will minimize the frictions between pedestrian and private cars and will connect on foot the main points of interest of the city.
  • To implement new bicycle and pedestrian networks that will be coherent with the superblock scheme proposed in the Sustainable Mobility and Public Space Plan of Vitoria-Gasteiz.


In 2009 the Cycling Mobility Master Plan of Vitoria-Gasteiz was approved. Following that Plan, the actions performed within this MODERN measure have helped to improve the situation. Cycling infrastructure has reached a connectivity level that people is daring more and more to use their bicycles daily.

During the measure’s duration, a technical report with an in-depth analysis for the pacific coexistence of pedestrians and bicycles in the main pedestrian areas of the city was completed.

The implementation of the new bicycle lanes progressed together with the implementation of the superblocks. Around 8.000.000 euros from FEIL and CIVITAS were invested in this project, which improved greatly pedestrian and cycling mobility in the area.

During the third year of the MODERN project, a technical report with an in-depth analysis for the bike routes signalling was prepared. The idea was also to drive proposals in order to improve road safety in the bike infrastructure. Besides, a detailed plan and costing for 4 new bike paths of the main network was developed. These new bike lanes, with a total length of 7.5 km, were aimed at improving the connectivity to west, east and south.

During the fourth year more bicycle lanes and pedestrian spaces were created.

  • Two new bicycle lanes were created to connect the city centre, the western neighbourhoods and the big industrial estate in the West (Jundiz).
  • Cubo street became an inner street in the central superblock, giving priority to pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Fermin Lasuen street was refurbished to give more space to pedestrians, create a bicycle lane and to calm down motorised vehicles speed.

More specifically related to pedestrian mobility, during the duration of the CIVITAS measure a draft of the Pedestrian Mobility Master Plan was produced. All the public works related to superblocks implied the redesigning of all the public space reserved for pedestrians.

The two main projects related to pedestrian mobility were the Alhóndiga project and the demonstrative superblock creation. The Alhóndiga project (this action is not included among the objectives of this measure) was one of the strategic projects programmed for the city in the period 2009-2011, designed to support small retail outlets, but also to improve the pedestrian mode in the zone. Finally, only parts of this project were fully implemented, with works done in some short streets. On the other hand, the creation of the demonstrative superblock prioritized the pedestrians as the main mobility mode in the zone.

Regarding the communication, dissemination and participation activities, among the multiple activities executed in this field, it is worth mentioning the following ones:

  • A program of public presentations addressed to all neighbourhood leaders was established. There was a permanent contact with citizens associations regarding the creation of the demonstrative superblock.
  • A global communication and sensitisation campaign for the Sustainable Mobility and Public Space Plan was designed and launched to create a conceptual favourable perception in the citizens towards a new culture of sustainable mobility.
  • In year 2010, on the occasion of the “In town without my car!” day, several activities were organised in the demonstrative superblock.


  The main results in this measure were the following ones:

  • Implementation of the Bicycle Mobility Master Plan.
  • Elaboration of a Pedestrian Mobility Plan.
  • Development of a demonstrative superblock with its associated pedestrian and cycling infrastructures.
  • Construction of approximately 25 km of bicycle lanes. This output was not among the objectives of the measure, only the detailed planning of those lanes was expected.
  • Creation of strong communication and participation channels between the local administration (both technicians and politicians) and citizens.
  • Development of methodologies to get more knowledge about the pedestrian and cycling mobility: modal split, impact of actions in the people, more statistical knowledge about behaviours, etc.
  • Modal split in the demonstrative superblock shifted from 86% cars/11% pedestrians/3% cyclists to 23%/66%/11% after the measure.
  • Pedestrian surface in the demonstrative superblock increased from 45% of the total surface before the action to 74% after it.
  • No studies have been done about conflicts between pedestrian and cyclists in the demonstrative superblock, but the acceptance level of the measure among people, is of 6,06 out of 10 points.
  • Pedestrian accidents in the entire city have decreased from 187 in 2009 to 160 in 2010. Bicycle accidents have remain constant, whereas the total number of people riding bicycles in the city has almost quadrupled in the last 5 years.



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