Micro-level urban mobility planning
The measure focused on the local implementation of Lille’s regional Urban Mobility Plan.
Implementing sustainable mobility
The Urban Mobility Plan for Lille Metropole (Plan de Deplacements Urbains, or PDU) was approved in 2000 for gradual implementation by 2015. It is a means of planning and coordination to ensure that all the regional transport networks work effectively together, including provision for intermodality. It also contains a comprehensive approach to city planning, transportation and environmental protection, thus defining the conditions for sustainable transport development at the level of Lille Metropole.
Micro-level urban mobility planning concerns the local implementation of the PDU at commune level. According to the methodology defined in the PDU, it is implemented locally through a micro-PDU charter, which proposes locally relevant actions designed to reach the objectives of the PDU, including the use of public spaces and modifications to the road network.
In this measure, the focus was on a pilot micro PDU for the Weppes area in order to identify a methodology for replication in other local environments in Lille Metropole.
The ultimate aim is to ensure the smooth implementation of complex political and administrative decisions by a stable methodology for approaching issues at local level.
The first phase comprised a diagnostic audit, evaluating the existing situation in terms of urban development and mobility.
In the second, orientation, phase, the main issues and problems were highlighted and objectives were defined according to the requirements of the local authority and in harmony with the goals of the PDU.
The third phase involved the proposal of operational improvements, priorities and applicable timeframes.
A micro mobility plan for the Weppes area was produced as an example for further implementation, and the measure was replicated in other local environments in the Lille Metropole.
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