
Gaps in urban mobility skills and expertise - CIVITAS Educational Network meeting

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CIVITAS Forum Edu net

Educational institute representatives, CIVITAS project partners and other experts are invited to join the in-person meeting of CIVITAS Educational Network that will take place on 1 October 2024 (10:30 - 12:00), during CIVITAS Forum in Parma, Italy. The meeting will delve into the results of two CIVITAS projects, namey MOVE 21 and SCALE-UP, and will facilitate a joint discussion on the identified gaps in (urban) mobility skills and expertise. The meeting will also allow space for a discussion about how the CIVITAS Educational Network can prepare future professionals using CIVITAS knowledge. The meeting is a joint initiative of CIVITAS Educational Network and the MOVE21 and SCALE-UP projects.

What's in it for you?
  • Opportunity to identify relevant materials from CIVITAS projects that can be used in your curriculum.
  • A chance to share and exchange experiences with other institutes that are active in mobility.
  • A deeper understanding about the skills and expertise that are required for future-proofing young professionals.

The CIVITAS Educational Network meeting will take place on 1 October 2024 (10:30 - 12:00).

10.15 - 10.30: Registration and welcome

10.30 - 10.45: Welcome and introduction to the CIVITAS Educational Network (Dr. Nina Nesterova (BUas), Chair CIVITAS Educational Network)

10.45 - 11.15: Presentation on the key takeaways of the MOVE21 and SCALE-UP projects

11.15 - 12.00: Open discussion


To register for the meeting, a two-step approach is necessary:

1. Register for the CIVITAS Forum 2024; and
2. Register for the network meeting.

We look forward to seeing you in Parma!


CIVITAS Educational Network contact information


Dr. Nina Nesterova (BUas), Chair CIVITAS Educational Network: nesterova [dot] n [at] buas [dot] nl

Official webpage: here

LinkedIn Group: here

Author: Ekaterina Uzunova


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