Webinar on interactive mobility information


WebinarCIVITAS Initiative

14h - 15h CET

How can you use web 2.0 technologies to offer personalised information to public transport users and other travellers? Discover Aalborg's personisable travel website (CIVITAS Archimedes) and the Facebook-integrated Buzzynet website of Flemish bus operator De Lijn. The city of Aalborg, Denmark, and De Lijn, Belgium, will explain how their websites function and what their experiences were while building and using these websites. Learn from their expertise right from your own desk during this one-hour webinar.

If you have specific questions for the speakers, or if you have inspiring examples of interactive applications for travel information, please join the discussion on the CIVITAS Interactive discussion platform for mobility management. We will continue the discussion here after the webinar ends. At the start of the webinar, we will briefly explain the concept and working of the thematic group discussion platform.


Please register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/600606384781782274

The webinar will use the GoToWebinar software. If you have never used it before, you can test it here.



Authors: CIVITAS Initiative, Geusens Thomas


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