Cycling, ITS and Alternative Fuel seminars


The CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES project is coming to an end. A lot of results have been obtained and now the project wanted to share some of them during three parallel seminars on 14 November in Aalborg.

CyclingThe first seminar was about cycling. Here we investigated some of the solutions for cyclists that have been implemented in the ARCHIMEDES cities of Usti nad Labem, Monza and Aalborg. These three cities have different conditions for cycling planning. Marianne Weinreich from VEKSØ Mobility moderated the session, which also included a presentation from the Chairman of the Cycling Embassy of Denmark, Troels Andersen, and Marjan Frederix from Mobiel21 who presented experiences with a cycling project for immigrants. The seminar also included a special debate about “Travellers of the future: How to get children and young people on the bike” and a site visit in Aalborg.


ITSThe second seminar was about intelligent telematics. ITS has been one of the cornerstones in the project. The seminar covered a wide range of ITS solutions such as ITS in public transport and examples of mobile travel planners in Denmark and the CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES city of Brighton & Hove. The second part of the ITS seminar was about traffic flow and monitoring. Various methods for monitoring and managing traffic flows, e.g. camera detection, Bluetooth technology and GPS data that all have been tested in Aalborg during the last four years was presented. Finally, a presentation on the status of the Danish Public Transport travel card was given. The travel card was implemented in Aalborg as part of the CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES project. The seminar also included a site visit in Aalborg.


Alternative FuelsWith this third seminar, the ARCHIMEDES project wanted to focus on the variety of technologies in terms of alternative transport. There are many good examples from within the project. The seminar was led by the Danish Technological Institute who also presented the bio-dielsel technologies and the results from the demonstration. Bus operators from the City of Donostia-San Sebastian and the City of Aalborg presented their experiences with operating parts of the public transport fleets on biodiesel. Another focus was put on the City of Iasi’s experiences on operating buses on gas during the project. The final main topic was about electric and hydrogen cars. The company CLEVER did a presentation about the results of the EV car trial that has been carried out in the City of Aalborg as part of the CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES project and hydrogen technology companies and networks talked about technology and the future and showcased vehicles. The seminar also included a site visit in Aalborg.

Authors: Holding Graz Linien, Friis Gustav


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