TIM shared mobility service in Hasnerplatz, Graz

Image by Lupi_Spuma

Public transport

Using public transport and shared mobility to put private cars in the shade.

Public transport must be the backbone of local mobility strategies. It provides an alternative to private car ownership, and cuts down on air pollution, road traffic-related injuries, and congestion.

Alongside this, it encourages accessibility and equity, keeping mobile people who cannot afford and/or use a car, as well as those in isolated communities. Other forms of collective passenger transport, for example train-taxi schemes and demand-responsive transport, also do this.

The forms of shared mobility that have proliferated in recent years – such as car-sharing, ride-sharing, bike-sharing – also offer a flexible way to travel that can help make people less reliant on private vehicles.

Integrating these collective and shared transport services is crucial to creating a multimodal city in which people can complete their journeys conveniently and sustainably, without needing their own car.


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