Public Participation Graz

Image from CIVITAS METAMORPHOSIS, synergo GmbH

Public involvement

Involving citizens and stakeholders in planning to improve the quality and acceptance of urban mobility measures.

How can urban mobility systems and transport services meet the needs of people using them without their involvement in planning and piloting? Public participation must form part of these processes.

Consultations and interactions with decision-makers empower citizens to shape mobility measures and policies in line with their needs. This also increases their ownership and acceptance of whatever emerges.

Co-creation is one approach to public involvement, and it is increasingly considered as ideal for facilitating deeper community engagement in mobility planning. As experts on local realities, residents are well-placed to judge what might succeed. They also have a huge stake in ensuring the quality and safety of the spaces they inhabit and move through.

Many CIVITAS projects – both past and present - have utilised people-focused planning approaches to guarantee that solutions and strategies serve citizens.


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