CIVINETs stimulate actions to make sustainable and smart urban mobility a reality for all


Collective passenger transport

CIVITAS ELEVATE made use of a total of EUR 190,000.00 to support seven CIVINETs to carry out 47 activities in the period from November 2021 – August 2022.

The main focus of all of their activities was to deploy innovative mobility solutions in cities through local capacity building and training, while also engaging and networking with local mobility stakeholders. Furthermore, activities reached out to involve (new) cities in the CIVITAS network, and to partner with industry and civil society, to help these cities navigate through mobility transition and change. All funded activities added great value to the CIVITAS Initiative’s main assets, and bolstered the European Commission’s main sustainable transport policies through promotion and implementation. More in detail …

  • CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics increased the number of capacity-building events that promoted the goals of the European Commission's Green Deal and SUMPs.Thanks to the improvement of the service provided by the network and enabled by funding, five new members joined the network. Besides that, the CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics can build on the cooperation and good relationships with other CIVINETs in the future, thanks to the CIVINET Activity Fund 2021 activities. Learn more about the CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics here.
  • CIVINET Deutscher Sprachraum organised online and physical capacity building and networking events. These activities provided the possibility to exchange on various local mobility policies and measures, and thus covering a wide field of topics such as SUMP, spatial planning, climate protection planning, neighbourhood mobility planning, walking, cycling, and mobility communication measures. The budget from the Activity Fund was crucial for developing and implementing all these activities, and only due to this funding, members were able to conduct them, and to deliver them with high quality. Learn more about the CIVINET Deutscher Sprachraum here.
  • CIVINET Greece-Cyprus always had the objective to highlight not only the good practices of its members, but also to convey the difficulties, problems and specificities they face. Through the Practitioner Briefing: “SIMP: Adapting a SUMP to the islands context”, funded via the CIVINET Activity Fund, their commitment to this strategy is clearly shown, as an effort is made to help the Greek islands (and later all the islands of Europe) to perform SIMPs tailored to their needs. Learn more about the CIVINET Greece-Cyprus here.
  • CIVINET Italia supported, inter alia, the organisation of “MobilitARS - Dell’Arte della Gestione della mobilità Urbana nel terzo Millennio”, after which the Italian Ministry for Infrastructures and Sustainable Mobility released the National Cycling Strategy. Therefore, CIVINET Italia played a crucial role in collecting best practice that has then been adopted in Reggio Emilia’s bicycle masterplan, and hence, supported the creation of a kind of cultural exchange among cities who are committed to tackle the climate emergency through reforming urban mobility. Learn more about the CIVINET Italia here.
  • CIVINET Romania carried out numerous capacity building and dissemination activities, which helped Romanian cities to find out about European initiatives and good practice examples in urban mobility. A huge interest was shown for activities where European strategies, guidelines or tools have been presented. Finally, all the activities organised by CIVINET Romania were entirely supported by the Activity Fund. Without the Activity Fund the existence and the functioning of the network would have not been possible. Learn more about the CIVINET Romania here.
  • CIVINET Slovenia – Croatia – South East Europe fostered know how transfer, information on Maas, integrated passenger service, SUMPs, urban-rural mobility etc. and shared it with their members, which are about 220 at this time. This is important, because towns and municipalities are getting more focused on sustainability, active mobility modes and consider the urban paradigm shift as something that should be performed as part of interdisciplinary projects. The CIVINET Activity Fund was crucial to enable their members to actively participate in these activities, especially because without the Fund, some of the activities could not have been performed in such an extent and high-quality level CIVINETs are famous for. Learn more about the CIVINET Slovenia – Croatia – South East Europe here.
  • Magyar CIVINET delivered a the wide range of activities. Not only webinars and workshops have been performed, but also a Study Tour to Brno in cooperation with CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics and hosting this CIVINET for a Study Tour in Budapest. Moreover, Magyar CIVINET invested a lot in dissemination activities, such as newsletters, social media channels, but also by translating the SUMP Topic Guide on Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning in Smaller Cities and Towns. Learn more about the Magyar CIVINET here.

Find out more about the CIVINET Activity Fund here and access all of the CIVINET pages here. And stay tuned: soon a summary report of all activities funded through the CIVINET Activity Fund 2020 and 2021 will be available.

Author: Fred DOTTER


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