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Second CIVINET Forum: A conference that set out to make our lives better!

The three-day event was organised by CIVINET Greee-Cyprus and took place in Athens on 28-30 May. The theme of the event was: "Moving more sustainably, maing our lives better together."

The event was comprised of more than 250 unique participants, representing 140 institutions:

  • six governmental and metropolitan authorities;
  • eight media outlets;
  • 18 universities and research centres;
  • 20 international organisations;
  • 23 civil society organisations;
  • 25 cultural organisations and collectives;
  • 26 private sector enterprises; and
  • 27 local authorities,

The key message that was sent was that we all need to act faster and more effectively to develop climate-neutral and socially sustainable cities, villages and islands, and treat science and culture as our allies in this feat.

A detailed list of stakeholders that were represented is available here.

There were a number of highlights stemming from three-day event:

  • 11 unique sessions on sustainable mobility in Greece and Europe, including the stirring talks by Panagiotis Raptis (UNICEF Youth Ambassador to Greece) and the Cool Crips:
  • 10 interactive workshops, including those of the Dutch Cycling Embassy and UrbanistAI, for the first time in Greece;
  • Symposium on sustainable mobility on islands and the first official presentation of the Sustainable Island Mobility Plan (SIMP) guide;
  • Symposium on sustainability in culture and the discussion on the establishment of the “Creative Cities and Spaces Network”;
  • Performance involving the Eye Harp, the world’s only musical instrument played with the eyes;
  • Exhibition of innovative products from the private sector, with direct use of the Micromobility Hub by the Municipality of Heraklion Attica; and
  • Exhibition of the LAMPSCAPES project constructions by LUDD and the round table with KAENA at the square of the “Kerameikos” Metro Station.

All of the photos and videos of the sessions and workshops are now also available. The presentations of the speakers can be found here.

Photos from the LAMPSCAPES project can be found here.

As this event marked the largest international event in CIVINET Greece-Cyprus' history, the CIVINET and its members emerged with an even stronger network of partnerships.

The second CIVINET Forum was organised under the auspices ofprestigious institutions and its sponsors.

Publishing date:

Author: CIVINET Greece-Cyprus




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