
Webinar Safe Routes to School - inspiration from Granada and Malaga

ONLINE, Belgium

WebinarCIVITAS Initiative


How can a city promote active travel for school children? By giving them safe routes to school and promoting those routes. In order for this to work, cities should cooperate very closely with teachers, parents and other stakeholders. On 26 January the province of Granada and the city of Malaga presented the lessons learned from their safe routes to school programmes.

With the support of the CIVITAS Activity Fund, the provincial authority of Granada founded the Work Group for Child Mobility. The group was comprised of technicians and political members of the city councils, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders of those municipalities interested in the implementation of the Safe Routes to School programme. They organised several workshops in 8 municipalities. 

The city of Malaga is working with 10 schools, and they implement different routes for pedestrians and cyclists. It is a participative project where they involve the entire school community. In addition they are supporting an app to facilitate the coordination with families.  


The presentations are available below.

Webinar recording

Registration link

Author: Thematic Group on Mobility Management



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