Towards zero-emission last-mile deliveries: Mechelen in the spotlight

Image by bPost
Join the ULaaDS team for the first in a series of webinarsexploring sustainable urban logistics solutions in the ULaaDS lighthouse cities. During this event you will have the chance to discover the measures that Mechelen is taking to make urban logistics more sustainable in partnership with various stakeholders, namely VIL, UPS, bpost and local partner ECOkoeriers.
We will learn how the city together with bpost have dramatically cut polluting last-mile deliveries, curbing CO2 emissions by 97% and fine particles by 77% and what bpost is planning to implement in ULaaDS to build on this result.
Additionally, we will also explore how the city is setting up an autonomous-driving parcel locker trial in a business district. In this trial, the self-driving vehicle will serve as a moving parcel locker as well as to transport people from a bus stop to their workplace in the business district (a solution that goes under the name of CargoHitching).
Finally, we will learn more about the collaboration between UPS and ECOkoeriers to make logistics even more efficient and discover how reverse logistics can ensure that food waste, paper, cardboard and even dirty diapers are collected and treated sustainably to reduce their impact on the environment. Each presentation will be followed by Q&A.
Not convinced yet? Read more about what Mechelen is doing here.
Register for the event here.
Check out the agenda here.
See you 28 April 2022, from 9:30-11:00 CET!
Author: Amy McCready